Yoga . Meditation . Sound 

At RestoreU, we hold the space for you, to rest, reset and restore. 
Listening to your body is the key to wellbeing, creating your own wellbeing toolkit of techniques that work for you. Everyone is unique and what works for you might not work for someone else, but that is okay. Explore yoga, meditation and sound through our regular classes, events and courses to create your own wellbeing toolkit. 
Learn what your body needs today in this moment. It will tell you with a light feather touch when it isn’t coping but if you don’t have the skills to listen it will keep hitting you until it floors you and then you have to stop and listen. 
Located in the heart of Buckingham, make time for you in your diary. 

Coming up at RestoreU 

Womens Circle 

Sunday 12th May 4pm - 6pm 
Marisela Minchin is a healing artist, experienced in different healing and creative modalities, and founder of Adorn By M, an online and in person event presence for her community’s wellness rooted in folk medicine, ancestral wisdom, and creative therapies at the intersection of healing and empowerment. 

Sound Bath 

Thursday 13th Jun 7pm - 8.15pm 
Our sound baths are a chance to pause and breath, listen and feel the music from our traditional instruments. 
Lie back on your mat, blanket and pillow, and allow your body to completely switch off. 



Yoga & Meditation Classes 

Regular yoga practice will improve your quality of life - strenthening your body and calming your mind. Dedicate a little time to move, breathe and find more inner balance at RestoreU 
More details below. 

Sound baths & Collaboration Events 

We are a dedicated Sound Bath studio, we hold the space for you to lie back, relax and allow the sounds to wash over you.  
We also collaborate with other professionals to bring a wide range of wellbeing events into our studio.  
More details below. 


AcuEnergetics® is a therapy that restores flow in your bio-electrical system. It combines Chinese, Judaic, Indian and Western healing traditions, together with modern research and techniques to create this powerful and effective treatment modality. 
Contact Sonia to discuss further. 


If you would like to experience more than just an hour, why not explore our retreats, we host afternoon retreats in our Studio in Buckingham.  
Plus Full Day and Weekend retreats in external venues.  
For more details visit our events schedule or retreat page. 

School Enrichment days or Corporate events/workshops 

We offer corporate wellness, or school enrichment events bespoke to suit the needs of your team/school. 
Blending together yoga, meditation and sound. 
Contact Sonia to find out more 


"I have attended a few events now at RestoreU, when Sonia has collaborated with another business, but also for a 1-to-1 soundbath, and it just keeps getting better...." 
Sandrine Bonomo - 22/06/2023 
"I have been to several sound baths hosted by Sonia and B (the gong) I find it amazing each time and Sonia is so calming. It’s definitely going to be part of my self care regime. 
Hayley Bent - 10/06/2023 
"Perfect balance of yoga, meditation and sound bath providing an afternoon of sheer relaxation." 
Helen Bliss - 26/03/2023 
"I experienced the Energetic Healing Event hosted by Sarah & Sonia. What a wonderful evening! Sarah & Sonia were so warm and welcoming and I left feeling rebalanced and ready to face the world." 
Charlotte Howell - 17/03/2023 

Get in Touch 

If you have any questions about our classes or events please get in touch 
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